Attendee Information

Pared-down, intimate, and smaller ballroom-style exhibits. We expect 10-15 world-class resorts to exhibit and 30-40 group leads by invitation.

Please support the suppliers who have traveled far and at great expense to support our region and the industry we cherish. Confirm your attendance (RSVP) by completing the form below.

*All those who use the form and attend will have additional chances at the Grand Prizes.

Those who return the form, but are unable to attend, will have drawing opportunities at all other prizes. Thank you for your time and contribution to the success of this show, vital to both our region and the industry.

When: Wednesday, May 8th, 2023 6:30 - 9:30pm

Where: Blue Ocean Event Center - 2nd Floor

4 Oceanfront North Salisbury, MA 01952, 978-475-1263

Attendee Registration